New Element

  • Fusionftw
    14th Apr 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Yes, I know sound elements like NOTE have been suggested before and rejected for valid reasons, but this element is different. Instead of using the code to generate sound, sound files (.wav) are packaged with the game.


    A helpful link on how to play these sound files with SDL2/C++: (This tutorial says it's for Linux, but it also mentions that using the right libraries, it can be converted for windows.)


    Another tutorial here:



    A button in the top right labeled "S" could be added to enable/disable sound.


    BEEP - Sound Effects




    Color: rgb(167, 181, 170)

    - Section: Powered Materials

    - Description: "Sound Effect, plays sound when sparked".

    - It is a solid, and does not melt, akin to FRME.



    - 7 .TMP modes:

         - .TMP of 1: Buzzer, makes a buzz/beep sound when sparked by any conductor. (

         - .TMP of 2: Bell/Chime, makes a chime sound when sparked by any conductor. (

         - .TMP of 3: Siren, makes a siren sound when sparked by any conductor.


         - .TMP of 4: Laser, makes a phaser/laser sound when sparked by any conductor. (

         - .TMP of 5: Gunshot, makes a gunshot sound when sparked by any conductor. (

         - .TMP of 6: Bang/Explosion, makes a loud bang/explosion sound when sparked by any conductor. (

         - .TMP of 7: Machinery, makes a hydraulic/machinery sound when sparked by any conductor.


    - .TMP2 controls delay, or the time between played samples in frames. For example, a delay of 1000 means

       that you have to wait 1000 frames to play another sound right after you played one.



    - Sound effects! You can make your save more immersive. For example, if you make a bank, you can have a siren sound effect when the alarm goes off.

    - Jumpscares/Pranks (yes, this is inevitable with saves called "Turn your volume to the max" and they're just filled with BEEP set to the "Explosion" sound.)!

    - Interactive saves! For example, if you make a quiz game, you can have a "Buzzer" sound play when the player gets an answer wrong, and a "Chime" sound play when the player gets the question correct.

    Edited 5 times by Fusionftw. Last: 23rd Apr 2020
  • suibian
    14th Apr 2020 Member 0 Permalink
    14th Apr 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited once by INFINITY-BOI. Last: 14th Apr 2020
  • Fusionftw
    14th Apr 2020 Member 0 Permalink


    That would be too complex. I suggested a NOTE element like that before, and while people liked it, nothing came of it.


    Also, since my suggestion is sample based, to have all of those instruments (and gradients too?) would mean hundreds of samples, which would take up a lot of space.

    Edited 2 times by Fusionftw. Last: 14th Apr 2020
    14th Apr 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Fusionftw
    18th Apr 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Bumping This Forum Post

    I'm actually not sure if this BEEP element will be added. Sound elements have been rejected, but the rejection note says, "Perhaps the best that can be done is some element that plays a note sound when sparked. Entire realistic sounds for a few random reactions would not sound good though.".


    It should be less work for the developers in this case; I provided a tutorial for playing .WAV files in SDL2, and I provided links to where royalty-free sound effects could be found.


    It would be nice for a developer to respond and give their thoughts about this element.

    Edited once by Fusionftw. Last: 21st Apr 2020
  • jacob1
    28th Apr 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    I didn't need a tutorial on how to play sounds in sdl2. I ported TPT to sdl2 by reading the documentation myself.

    Something like a note block is the most likely method sound will get in. But I still think it will sound bad, despite our best efforts. All other sound implementations in TPT have sounded bad, even ones that work like note blocks.

    I don't want to hear anything when I open TPT saves. Loudness would be abused all the time. People on phones would get annoyed that their previously silent game starts playing sound. Some people just want to listen to music / videos / podcasts. Also, packaging sound files with TPT would increase the size unnecessarily.
Locked by jacob1: rejected