Novas Custom elements Mod/Script

  • novaplex240
    16th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Hi guys i have decided to post this as an autorun because it was requested by a few people so just save the code below into a text file named autorun with the extension .lua and have fun :D. Not the < & > thingys


    I also need help with the "solid hydrogen" and "solid oxygen" elements .. possibly tritium


    tpt.el.salt.description="Magnesium. Explosive metal"
    tpt.el.desl.description="Propane gas. Ignites easily and explosive"
    tpt.el.oxyg.description="Solid oxygen. Ignites easily (buggy)"
    tpt.el.dest.description="Nanite. Nanoscopic robots that self destruct upon contact"
    tpt.el.plnt.description="Bacteria. Grows with moisture dies with heat"
    tpt.el.deut.description="Tritium. A hydrogen isotope similar to DEUT (Buggy)"
    tpt.el.merc.description="Gaseous Mercury. Conductive, Mass changes with temp""SHYG"
    tpt.el.hygn.description="Solid Hydrogen. Ignites easily (Buggy)"

    Edited 5 times by novaplex240. Last: 17th Dec 2013
  • mniip
    16th Dec 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    Use <code>stuff here</code>
    Like this: stuff here
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    16th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    And do that from the HTML editor...

    When they told me about it, Imtried just typing it with those in the wysiwyg editor...

  • Millions
    16th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    He didn't even change anything T_T.


    Changing diffusion and gravity is something anyone can do.

  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @FeynmanLogomaker (View Post)
    I think there is a button that lets you directly edit html on the right. But I don't like the editor anyway, it breaks some stuff and makes all of your posts very ugly (internally, you can't see how ugly unless you turn it off and edit a post you made)
  • novaplex240
    17th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Millions (View Post)

     Well technically i did change something and not anyone can do it but i do understand that what i did was very simple and this is because im still quite young (fourteen) and i would like to learn code and at a steady pace


    do you have any suggestions as to what i could add?

  • Nobody905
    20th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I'd recommend you create new elements instead of replacing the defaults. Look it up in the wiki and you'll find out how.


    @novaplex240 (View Post)

     If you'd like to learn code, Lua isn't the best place to start. I recommend you try JavaScript or QML instead.

     You could use ActionScript as well, it's very easy, but outdated.

     Oh, and whatever you do, NEVER take formal classes on it.


    EDIT: I'm saying it isn't the best place to start because it's easy, but it isn't independent. It always requires another code as base, which means if you have errors in the base code, you'll have a problem. If the base code is C++ (Which is the case of Powder Toy), you'll have a BIG problem, as it's one of the hardest-to-learn languages.

    I recommend you start off with JavaScript and HTML5, both are easy.

    Edited once by Nobody905. Last: 20th Dec 2013
  • nucular
    20th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    At first, Lua is a quite good starting point for beginners, at least if you don't right jump into metatables. Python would be even better in my opinion, but it's a total matter of taste. At the other side, JavaScript requires you also to learn both HTML and CSS in most cases. It's a good idea to learn it, but I really wouldn't use it as a starting language. I'll let alone ActionScript. Really, Lua is fine since novaplex seems to want to mod TPT in the first place.
    Second, C++ is actually a hard language but it totally isn't one of the hardest-to-learn ones. There are so many worse ones. For example, try J or APL... And I'm not saying a word about esoteric languages like Malbolge *shudder*
  • novaplex240
    20th Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @nucular (View Post)

     Thanks dude il check out python and then il see where i want to go :D

  • Antoine9
    1st Feb 2014 Banned 0 Permalink
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