ADD secret element?

  • funperson77
    29th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Today I was just randomly going through the element search menu and found an element called ADD. The logo had a black background and I couldn't place it anywhere. I couldn't set it as a ctype for any element either. I have a picture of the search menu with the element below. I also couldn't find anything on the forums or anywhere about. Does anyone know what this does?

    ADD Secret Element

  • FeynmanLogomaker
    29th Jan 2014 Member 3 Permalink

    That's a deco tool. You can even place more elements in the Deco menu, with Lua.

  • mniip
    30th Jan 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @FeynmanLogomaker (View Post)
    You cannot create tools from lua though.
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    30th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Well, you maybe could manually it would just be hard and pretty sketchy. If you add it to the menu, but leave the element itself not creatable, and have the script include a registered function that if the tool is the element selected for drawing (IDK if you can do that, but I think it's possible), run the tool's function for every pixel within the cursor's boundaries. It could be done, but it would be laggy and pretty crappy.

  • Antoine9
    31st Jan 2014 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited once by Antoine9. Last: 31st Jan 2014
  • CeeJayBee
    31st Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Antoine9 (View Post)

     Uh. That's not what he was saying. He was saying that you can't add TOOLS to TPT.

  • FeynmanLogomaker
    4th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Antoine9 (View Post)

     I know all that, I probably do a lot more Lua scripting than you anyways.

  • jacob1
    5th Feb 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    I once made a script that simulated brush drawing almost exactly, before all the fancy simulation api functions were added. Nowadays we have sim.toolBrush, sim.toolLine, and i'm sure you could simulation a new tool if you wanted. It would just be hard.

    Maybe custom tools will be added eventually though ...

    Edit: i'm not sure if you can add elements to the Tool menu either, if you can't, you might have to do some extreme hacking involving clearing another menu, going to that one instead, and putting all the fake tools in it. You can replicate the buttons pretty easily on bottom, and replicating real tools is easy now :)
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 5th Feb 2014