Cracker's Mod

  • Finalflash50
    12th Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Uberness
    12th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    What could I be more clear about? Just look it up and make the element do what it does in real life.
  • KniFey
    12th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    -A solid that behaves exactly like plutonium.
    -A liquid like DEUT but has the same properties as water's solid liquid and gas.
    - Heat conducting wall.
    - U238 which absorbs neutrons and heats up in response.
  • Pilihp64
    12th Nov 2010 Developer 0 Permalink

    VINE- not really an element you see, but it makes PLNT grow up WOOD and look cool.

    INVS- A solid that becomes invisible to particles under high or low pressure. Ends up being a ehole controlled by pressure.

    INST wire is now a rechargeable battery as well. If it does not give off a spark, it will store the charge. Charge with PSCN as normal and it will give off charge to NSCN and SWCH that is on. It should still behave like normal instant wire if it doesn't charge. A spark will not show up on the wire anymore, it will flash white.

    moved wall numbers so i can get more elements.
  • Finalflash50
    12th Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • jma1111
    12th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    By vine do you mean the stuff in The Powder Game, From Dan-Ball. It is pretty cool.
    Never mind I get it now.
    That would be cool.
  • Pilihp64
    12th Nov 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    what do you mean that WOULD be cool, i already made it.
  • Finalflash50
    12th Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Pilihp64
    12th Nov 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    technically it is, but it lives so short you don't see it, and it doesn't show in menu.
    i think i will add it there in next update, i just found out it is kind of cool to play with by itself
  • Finalflash50
    12th Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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