How make a custom elements on android?

  • New_man99999
    31st Jan 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry for my English,I`m Russian

    I have a tpt and my dream-make own elements

  • New_man100000
    3rd Feb 2017 Member 0 Permalink


  • TPT_PL
    3rd Feb 2017 Member 0 Permalink
    @New_man100000 (View Post)
    Have you made another account? You may be banned for that.
    Search the wiki, you will find some help there. Or look at already made scripts.

    Wait, on Android? Well, you can't, if yes. Sorry, Android port doesn't use Lua files, only console, and writing on the console is not... good.
  • DanielGalrito
    3rd Feb 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @TPT_PL (View Post)

    Actually, it works for me, I have the lua script manager and a few other scripts there.


    You should put the script manager in (maybe there's something before) Android/data/ and name it autorun.lua (to make it easier to use multiple scripts at the same time)

    and then put your scripts in the scripts folder and name them as name.lua, then you should be able to enable them ingame.


  • Mrprocom
    3rd Feb 2017 Moderator 0 Permalink
    @TPT_PL (View Post)
    It's fine to create alt accounts as long as you don't use them to break the rules, if you want more proof, look no further than jacob1's "cousine", @jacob2

    @New_man99999 (View Post)
    I've never tried using Lua scripts on android, but seems like it works according to @DanielGalrito

    So if you know how to program in Lua, make Lua scripts, this reference made by @boxmein should help you. If you don't know Lua, but you still want to make elements, use any of these tools to make some:
    Also if you are interested, here is a list of lua scripts made by the community:

    Edit: I forgot to mention, you can double-post with the same account, you just have to wait for 24 hours (one day), so there is no need to use alt accounts to double-post.
    Edited once by Mrprocom. Last: 3rd Feb 2017
  • New_man100000
    19th Apr 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    in my tpt no folders(or i should to download a script mananger?)...

  • archived_account
    3rd Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Me can make scripts, but not all work(some things like other buttons is logging "acess denied") but it work! And im on android.

  • zaccybot2
    3rd Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @DayTimer253 (View Post)

     create a new thread asking for help with this, don't post on old threads