Versatile crystal

  • MachineMan
    8th Sep 2022 Member 2 Permalink

    Here's a suggestion for a new element:


    Topaz (or TPAZ):


    TPAZ is an unbreakable solid that doesn't conduct heat, is immune to ACID, and absorbs LAVA of certain ctypes.  It assumes the same ctype as the ctype of the LAVA it absorbed and changes it's color and properties based on it's ctype.  Protons can't change the temperature of any of the variations mentioned below but can pass through some and be either blocked or absorbed by others.  Here they are:


    1.) TPAZ(none)

    It's clear and has all the same properties that GLAS does apart from breakablility and meltability.  It's basically a less destructable alternative to GLAS.  Unlike GLAS; however, all powders (except SING and AMTR, which destroy it, and GRAV, which defies gravity) stack on it like CNCT stacks on ROCK.  It becomes more useful when it absorbs certain types of LAVA as mentioned above and below.


    2.) TPAZ(CLST)

    It's red and photons that pass through it become protons, useful for more compact proton lasers.  The resulting protons inherit it's temperature, no need for heating or cooling devices now.  Of course protons can pass through it.  It absorbs electrons and has a 10% chance of absorbing neutrons (twice that of GOLD).


    3.) TPAZ(SAND)

    It's yellow and conducts electricity and can conduct to any electrically conductive element except WWLD, but it can't conduct from any electrically conductive element except itself; it can only be sparked by brush, wall types that conduct electricity, CLNE(SPRK), CONV(SPRK), or photons.  Photons spark it the same way electrons spark other conductive elements.  This property is useful in making solar panels with fewer parts, especially in the case of dual-sided solar panels; instead of sandwiching a line of NSCN in between 2 lines of PSCN, you can simply draw 1 line of TPAZ(SAND) and it will work on both sides.  It blocks protons but lets electrons and neutrons pass through; neutrons that pass through it becomes electrons.  Brush-spawned TPAZ is in this variation by default.


    4.) TPAZ(VIBR)

    It's true green; it absorbs electrons, protons, and neutrons.  Photons and gravitons can pass through it and photons that pass thorugh it turn into gravitons like with GPMP; but GPMP is on by default and must be turned off to turn photons into gravitons, whereas TPAZ(VIBR) can turn photons into gravitons from the moment it is spawned; this makes the constuction of graviton lasers a little easier.  It turns DUST into ANAR, and vice-versa, upon contact; however, DUST and ANAR produced in this way is unaffected by it for 1 frame after this reaction occurs.  Upon contact it turns URAN into PLUT and produces a neutron as a result; neutons produced in this way are unaffected by it and are 1000C.  It restores depleted POLO to it's undepleted state upon contact.  It's is immune to virus (solid, liquid, or gas) and, like SOAP, kills or cures virus; if any element that is not already immune to virus touches TPAZ(VIBR) it will be immune to virus but only while in contact with TPAZ(VIBR);  elements removed from contact with it will remain immune to virus for 1 frame after removal; TPAZ(VIBR)-spawned DUST, ANAR, PLUT and POLO(undepleted) will also be immune to virus for 1 frame after their creation.  TPAZ(VIBR) absorbs ACID and CAUS (but is not dissolved by either) and it's life value goes up by 1 for every ACID or CAUS particle it absorbs; if it's life value is non-zero it functions as a solid rechargeable battery until it's lfe value reaches 0; it's life value goes down by 1 for every SPRK it emits.


    5.) TPAZ(BMTL)

    It's blue and photons and electrons can pass through it.  As in the case of BIZR or BIZS, photons that pass through it turn into electrons; but unlike BIZR or BIZS, the resulting electrons inherit it's temperature and like all of TPAZ's other forms (see above) it doesn't conduct heat; this allows cold electron lasers to be more compact as the need for cooling devices is eliminated.  It absorbs protons and has a 10% chance of absorbing neutrons (again, twice that of GOLD).  It's bascally the opposite of TPAZ(CLST) (see above).


    Shared properties:

    Upon contact with LIGH or THDR, TPAZ with a ctype will release the element that matches the ctype and become TPAZ(none); TPAZ with ctypes of CLST, SAND, VIBR, and BMTL upon contact with LIGH or THDR will release CLST, SAND, BVBR, and BRMT respectively; elements produced in this way will have their respective brush-spawned temperatures.  LAVA that does not have any of 4 ctypes listed above will pass through TPAZ(none) but not through TPAZ with a ctype.  LAVA that DOES have any of these 4 ctypes will be absorbed by TPAZ(none), as mentioned above, and pass through TPAZ with a ctype.



    I think the virus-related properties for TPAZ(VIBR) would be pretty cool, but if coding them is infeasable, then we can just ignore them and focus on all the other properties of TPAZ.

    Edited 4 times by MachineMan. Last: 15th May 2023
  • RebMiami
    9th Sep 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Interesting ideas! I'd like to see someone program this or something like it into the game - an element that can change "modes" like this is pretty unique.

  • ae15
    10th Sep 2022 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is bannedShow
    Edited once by riffup. Last: 10th Sep 2022
  • MachineMan
    10th Sep 2022 Member 2 Permalink

    @riffup (View Post)

     What I meant was is that it has no powdered form and can't break under pressure or high-velocity particles.