I thought you said that you wanted to take a more laid back position. Second in command is the most long term position I am offering! I don't think there are many short term poisons available, I guess I could just give you the position 'a good friend who likes to help me orginise things but is not officially a part of PTT' but apart from that I should be able to handle things myself.
Well I'm certainly interested in joining. I may not be able to make elaborate stuff like the computer, calculator, etc, but messing around with electronics is pretty cool.
Massey101 Ok, well I wanna get it running and established. I can be erratic so long term positions of authority are not ideal for me, although I've had admin experience so I know what I'm doing. I just think it would be more beneficial to ensure that the governing roles are held by stable, dependable people. I would prefer to slide back into a more laid back position after about a month when things have leveled out. When you're ready to initialize the organization send me a PM and I'll get things going(of course if you want to delegate positions, which I'm sure you do, send me a list of people and their positions).